Monday, January 16, 2012

The End of the Lost Year

Tomorrow I will report to a job for the first time in 13 months.

When I lost my job last year, I never dreamed that it would take me over a year to find a job, and that when I found one, it would be a temporary (9 months, to be exact) position with no benefits and a substantially lower salary than the one I lost.
No doubt about it, the career path I was on is over.  That's not to say my CAREER is over, but that particular path?  Yeah, it's pretty much sunk.  And much of the past year has been consumed, at least mentally, with coming to grips with that.  

I could give you a long examination of how I've dealt with it and how it has felt, etc., etc., and in fact, I've written such a thing here and deleted it three times already.  Maybe eventually I'll figure out a non-boring way to write that.  

But today, I'm just as nervous as that first day of school.  I'm nervous about sleeping through my alarm, about finding my way to the right building, about what to wear, about whether I should take my lunch, who I'll sit next to, who I'll make friends with, and a whole list of things I can't even articulate.  

Good grief.  I think I'll go lay out my clothes.


Christy said...

Good Luck Kara!!

Daisy Sneed said...

You will be fine! AND as I write this, you already have your clothes, you're in the correct building and you've met someone who will become your friend! Good luck and enjoy the day!

KathleenS said...

Well, how was it?!