Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lame Weekend Blogging

Hmm. I think the reason I don't blog much on the weekends is that in terms of humorous/touching/mildly interesting stories . . . my weekends are a little lame.

But I love my lame weekends. Especially ones like this one, with summer gone for good and autumn in full swing. Perfect weather for traipsing through the Farmer's Market, buying brussel sprouts and butternut squash and salad greens and cooking them all for dinner.

Perfect for spending way too long in the sci-fi/fantasy section of the library, loading up on escapist books.

. . . for lying around watching DVR-ed episodes of Doctor Who and falling asleep on the couch before the plot even gets going.

. . . for taking a crunchy, leaf-filled walk with Sam.

. . . for baking chocolate chip cookie dough so it doesn't "go to waste in the fridge".

Ahh . . . autumn.

1 comment:

Jonathan's Mommy said...

I am so jealous! We used to have lame weekends, too, until a certain now three year old came along!